2nd Int'l Workshop on AI for De-escalation

Sunday December 1, 2024 | Kalkota, India

Call for Abstracts
Enhancing Human Security, Equality & Dignity

by: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
version: 1.1.5
created: 01.04.2024
last update: 18.08.2024



During ICPR 2022, the 1st International Workshop on AI4D: Autonomous Systems for De-escalating Conflict in Military and Civilian Contexts held in Montréal, Canada considered the deployment of autonomous systems such as drones in security and law enforcement roles. The workshop explored how de-escalation could be a design feature of tasks such as detection, monitoring & surveillance, search & rescue, and delivery and response. This resulted in rich discussions that aired a wide range of thorny technical, legal, ethical, and policy questions. Articles from the workshop can be found in Volume IV of Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges.

At ICRP 2024, the 2nd International Workshop on AI4D: Enhancing Human Security, Equality & Dignity to be held in Kalkota, India is a transdisciplinary workshop that will seek to address the increasingly vital roles of autonomous systems in large-scale emergency contexts, including breakdown in public order as is the case in the Ukraine, Palestine and Haiti at the time of writing, public health emergencies like the global COVID pandemic, natural disasters like floods and forest fires. As the previous workshop, the event bring together researchers from across engineering, social sciences and the humanities to consider the possibility and most promising approaches to the appropriate development and deployment of automated systems.



Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished work, reporting on novel and significant research contributions, on-going research projects, use cases and experimental results related to enhancing human security, equality & dignity in contexts of violent conflict, natural disasters, public health and other large-scale emergencies on the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Advances in AI and autonomous systems for non-violent conflict management and peacekeeping

  • Ethical AI design for trust-building and empathy in conflict scenarios

  • Cross-cultural and transdisciplinary approaches to AI for peace and security

  • Public health emergencies such as pandemics of infectious diseases

  • Impact assessment of AI deployments in emergency contexts: lessons learned and future directions

  • The role of AI in supporting vulnerable populations during large-scale emergencies

  • Emerging technologies (e.g., robotics, blockchain, virtual or augmented reality) for transparency and accountability in conflict resolution efforts

  • Policy and regulatory frameworks guiding the development and deployment of AI for de-escalation



The 2nd International Workshop for AI for De-escalation is an in-person full-day event that will be held at the International Conference for Pattern Recognition 2024, and made up of papers, panels, a keynote and posters:

  • Welcome

  • Introduction

  • Paper Presentations

  • Coffee Break + Poster Session

  • Discussion Panel A

  • Lunch + Poster Session

  • Keynote Presentation

  • Paper Presentations

  • Coffee Break + Poster Session

  • Paper Presentations

  • Discussion Panel B

  • Concluding Remarks


Important Dates

Please take note of the following important dates:

  • September 15, 2024 Submission deadline (email abstracts to submissions@AI4D.info)

  • September 22, 2024 Notification to authors

  • October 7, 2024 Early bird registration deadline

  • November 17, 2024 Camera ready paper deadline

  • December 1, 2024 Workshop date

  • December 2-5, 2024 ICPR main Conference dates



Dr. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a philosopher of science, with a practice in inclusive innovation at the intersection of tech, entrepreneurship and big ideas. He was the developer of the First International Workshop on AI4D and co-editor of the Proceedings for ICPR 2022.

Jean-Jacques is Instructor at the Schulich School of Business at York University. He is also Adjunct Faculty Fellow at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research and Fellow at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC).

Prof. Dara Byrne

Professor Byrne is the fourth Dean of William E. Macaulay Honors College, one of 25 colleges in the City University of New York system and reports to the Chancellor of The City University of New York and sits as a member of the CUNY Council of Presidents.

Dean Byrne has two decades of experience as a professor, researcher, and higher education leader with expertise in developing innovative and enterprising student success programs. As a communications scholar, Dean Byrne was a presenter at the First International Workshop on AI4D at ICPR 2022.



The organizers of this workshop are grateful to the ICPR 2024 organizing team for allowing the second edition of the AI4D workshop.

For more information, please contact the team at submissions@AI4D.info